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近年来,企图通过行政诉讼解决民事纠纷之实例频现于行政登记领域,尤以房屋登记行政诉讼案最为典型。然而,大量涌现的类似诉讼现象却难逃正当性拷问,在其背后潜藏着两个误区:撤销行政登记必然影响民事法律关系变动、行政诉讼撤销判决必然存在适用空间。两个误区的形成分别源自对行政登记功能定位的片面认识与对行政登记合法要件的抉择失当,因而有必要从功能定位的视角厘清许可式、确认式、公示式登记对民事法律关系变动的影响,也有必要探讨实然与应然、长远与当下所应采取的审查方式,进而确定该审查方式下行政登记在司法审查中所应确立的合法要件,以上举措是走出前述误区的关键。  相似文献   
2018年修改的《刑事诉讼法》把值班律师制度作为基本制度规定下来,这是辩护制度的重大突破和进步,法律上对诉讼权利的保障,是反映一国刑事诉讼法治化程度的重要标志之一。值班律师参与刑事诉讼并不当然地具有辩护人的诉讼地位,值班律师的应然定位应当是特殊的法律援助律师。值班律师制度具有推动程序正义实现和促进诉讼效率提升的内在价值,还具有弥补法律援助制度短板、推动审前程序状态合理优化和促进认罪认罚从宽制度良好运行的外在价值。但是,值班律师依然存在一些现实困惑,对这些困惑、问题的破解,正是改善值班律师制度的有效进路。  相似文献   
随着城镇化的发展和乡村振兴战略的实施,农业劳动者必然面临职业转型,转型后的职业客观上对劳动者提出了较高的技能要求。农业劳动者职业转型中工匠精神的培育,是提升农业劳动者技能、推动供给侧结构性改革、促进农业强国和创新型国家建设的重要举措。工匠精神要求农业劳动者在转型过程中提高职业技能,忠于雇主,诚实、勤勉、创造性地劳动。未来劳动法立法应转变理念,从保护不同农业劳动者合法权利,强化雇员忠诚义务,健全职业能力开发制度,完善工时、工资、劳动合同激励制度等方面,为农业劳动者工匠精神培育提供全方位、多角度的保障和激励措施。  相似文献   
The rjmcmc package for R implements the post‐processing reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm of Barker & Link. MCMC output from each of the models is used to estimate posterior model probabilities and Bayes factors. Automatic differentiation is used to simplify implementation. The package is demonstrated on two examples.  相似文献   
根据2012年全国流动人口动态监测结果和反映31个省市基本公共服务均等化的指标数据,建立分层线性模型从流动人口个体和省级层面考察影响流动人口社会融合的影响因素和作用程度的大小。研究发现,流动人口的社会融合不仅与个人因素有关,而且还受地区基本公共服务差异化的影响。个体层面从户口性质、就业状况、医疗保险、自我融入意愿、本地人接受程度、收入情况与住房条件解释流动人口社会融合差异的63?12%;省级层面从基础教育、医疗卫生、公共就业及基本社会保障解释流动人口社会融合的差异为36?83%。最后从政府、公民社会参与角度出发,提出促进流动人口社会融合的措施和建议。  相似文献   
文章使用“城乡困难家庭调查”2014年跟踪数据,对我国城乡困难家庭的求助网络结构和家庭因素进行分析,发现:血缘和亲缘关系仍是我国城乡困难家庭最天然的帮扶网络,但官方社会救助系统的作用已超过民间系统,邻里朋友仅在血亲和官方系统失灵时起补充作用;基层治理结构对求助网络的城乡差异产生影响,流动人口家庭求助网络呈现多元均衡的特征,但面临官方救助系统的制度性缺失;人口规模、低保资格两个家庭因素对城乡困难家庭求助网络有显著影响。文章认为,应进一步发挥社会力量的作用,针对我国城乡困难家庭建立官民并举、多元协作的社会救助政策体系。  相似文献   
This paper investigates how enhanced support for foster parents, such as covering fees and providing consultants and relief, may reduce the number of replacements experienced by children in foster care. It also investigates the extent to which replacements are associated with family (kin) vs. non‐family foster parents, or with legal characteristics of the placement (i.e. forced administrative decisions vs. relief measures agreed upon by the parents). Statistical analyses of administrative data from Norway investigated the longitudinal relationships between these characteristics and the number of replacements at two levels – children (N = 16 109) and municipalities (N = 418) – over 5 years (2007–2011). The results reveal modest associations between enhanced support and fewer replacements; for example, replacement rates are lower for children placed in homes of kin than in non‐family homes. Replacements also tend to be fewer when the placement is forced rather than consensual.  相似文献   
The creation of a national and unified legal system was an important aspect of the rise of the modern state and national citizenship. However, this interpretation of legal rationalization has been challenged by sociologists of law such as Eugene Ehrlich (1862–1922) who claimed that this juridical theory of state‐centred law masked the presence of customary laws outside this formal system. In critical theories of the law, legal pluralism is proposed against the idea of legal sovereignty or legal centralism. In this article we explore the implications of the growth of the Shari'a as an example of legal pluralism. We take Turkey and Greece as two interesting but different examples of legal pluralism and consider the implications of these case studies for debates about liberalism, multiculturalism and citizenship in multi‐faith societies.  相似文献   
下泥盆Siegenian 组砂岩储层是阿尔及利亚D 区块的主要勘探目的层。研究其储层特征及控制因素对勘探潜力的评价及后期开发有着重要的指导意义。经过研究,块内砂岩类型主要为石英砂岩,岩屑石英砂岩,储层储集空间主要为各种类型的次生孔隙和少量的裂缝,原生粒间孔不发育,多为粒间溶孔、粒内溶孔及微裂隙。孔隙结构主要为中小孔微细喉,储层物性较差,为中低孔、特低渗储层类储层;储层性质主要受到沉积条件和成岩作用的控制,成岩作用中以压实作用和溶蚀作用对储层物性影响最大,其次是胶结作用和交代作用。  相似文献   
The possession and use of a personal social security number helps to structure people's daily lives. However, despite its fundamental normative importance, the social security number remains a little‐known entity. Increasingly universal and yet diverse in form, it is a legal and technical norm which is as much a mechanism for surveillance and monitoring as it is a necessary instrument for giving effect to social rights. Analysis of this constituent element of social security systems permits as assessment of some of the technical difficulties presented by the ever‐increasing movement of people and data. Overcoming these technical difficulties should permit to envisage a first technical step towards realizing a universal and global social security system.  相似文献   
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